Turn back time for nature

Turn back time for nature
In 2023, Earth Overshoot Day was reached on August 2. Since time cannot be turned back, and nature does not have a “reverse” button, for the 2023 edition of Oltenia Marathon, we launched, together with CEZ Romania, “Athletes for Nature“, a sports community dedicated to protecting nature.
As Oltenia Marathon promotes two of the greenest sports possible, with minimal impact on the environment – running and cycling, the philosophy of the 11th edition of the event was “1 with nature, 1 with sports”. For us, it was a statement and a mission at the same time. A campaign through which CEZ Romania reaffirmed the fact that sports performance becomes even more valuable when it is doubled by care towards the environment.
“Athletes for Nature” is a platform that offers the tools to save and reverse time for the Earth, by presenting environmentally conscious behaviors in different contexts that are closely related to the practice of sports: means of transportation when going out to train, nutrition, the choice of sports equipment, the actions taken to spread awareness on this topic in certain communities.
The Race for Earth 🌎
To set an example for other sports lovers, Larisa Iordache, the well-known Olympic gymnast, Radu Restivan, sportsman and the founder of 321sport #RunningCulture, together with Ondrej Safar, CEO of CEZ Romania, took part in a one-of-a-kind race: they ran a kilometer backward, as a symbol of the fact that time cannot be turned back and that the actions of each of us matter.
The “Race for the Earth” aimed to inspire the public to adopt responsible behavior during and after sports training in order to prolong the life of the planet. This was repeated even at the Oltenia Marathon event, where the CEO of the company, Ondrej Safar, together with Dana Govoreanu, national champion in athletics, ran backward the last 500 meters of the trail run race, repeating the message also to the public participating in the event.
Marathon 2042 🔥
Also, at a time when artificial intelligence is mentioned everywhere in real life, the Oltenia Marathon was reimagined by artificial intelligence in the context of the year 2042. The images thus obtained described a future in which athletes run among mountains of garbage, through areas dry or flooded, in landscapes devastated by the negative effect of climate change. The images from the exhibition created by IA – “Marathon 2042”, were placed in OOH points characterized by intense traffic and urban agglomeration and in a dedicated exhibition area during the two days of the event.
The Marathon 2042 exhibition created by Artificial Intelligence was communicated both on TV stations and on the radio, in the online environment, and on the social media platforms of the campaign supporters, in the national and international press.