For over 37% of companies, the founder is the only one that has a say regarding the vision(Papulova, 2014)

CEZ Group, one of the main electricity suppliers and green producers in Romania, decided to do this differently: defining the company’s new principles (VMV – vision, mission, values) together with its employees. Not just the CEO or the management team, but all the 1800 employees of the company.

In a year marked by a pandemic and significant organizational changes, CEZan energy group covering the southern part of Romania and established 15 years ago, was acquired by a new investor. While making plans for the future of business in a context of big uncertainty and economic pressures, CEZ knew that team is fundamental, especially in a process of transition and rebranding. 

At the end of 2021, CEZ launched an internal communication campaign#betweenUsmeant to (re)strengthen the team connections and convince them to embrace a new philosophy and approach of future business.

CEZ realized the importance of the purpose in work and understood that having a common vision is critical for a team to determine and deliver results. Making sure people in the company know, understand, and engage with the new vision/mission/values was the main challenge, and also the main satisfaction of the campaign.

All these projects maintained the values at the core of the company and led to a better and subtle assimilation of them. ​

​The integration of the CEZ Values and the CEZ’s employee’s perception of the organization offers an overview of the organizational culture and valuable insights for the management of the company. When the company’s and its employees’ values converge, the level of engagement reaches its maximum potential.​

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