The Romanian kulas (Turkish for “tower”) were built by boyars to defend their families from Turkish marauders. Nowadays, they are often referred to as “Olthenia’s long lost architectural treasures”. Together with CEZ Group, one of the main providers of energy and gas in Romania, we decided to launch a program that brings them into the light, raising awareness on the historic role that kulas have for the cultural and social development of communities and create solutions for possible restorations. The project evolved during 2 years in which we involved CEZ internal community, we communicated with 35 local authorities from Oltenia, and partnered up with renowned influencers to convey our message. We organized exhibitions, challenged Architecture students to generate 3D mock-ups of kulas restauration projects, and then donated them to a museum. We gathered all our information in an E-Book dedicated to the whole project.

In the summer of 2021, we launched KulaRoad, the first touristic circuit to the Oltenian Kulas, in partnership with local authorities.


  • Gold Sabre,
    • Institutional Image Category;
  • Webstock,
    • Best Experiential Campaigns, 3rd Prize

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