factory by Raiffeisen Bank

factory by Raiffeisen Bank

In 2019, Raiffeisen Bank wanted to develop the Factory program in order to make it more attractive to the entrepreneurial community, thus positioning the brand as one that supports the start-up community. The key objectives of the communication campaign were to raise awareness of Raiffeisen Banks`s program and increase the number of registered projects by at least 50%. At the same time, we had to create a feeling of trust and security for entrepreneurs who enter the online competition and assure them that “factory by Raiffeisen Bank” is highly beneficial not only for those who get to be financed, but for anyone who interracts with Raffeisen Bank`s financial experts.

As our whole strategy had to focus on explaining the concept of the program and on creating occasions to interact with previous program winners, we implemented a communication campaign based on a “show-and-tell” strategy, letting former participants become Ambassadors for the program.

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